Vintage Pictures and Easter Gifts


 Welcome to Debbie-Dabble Blog!!

I am so happy you decided to stop by!!
I am now posting TWICE  a week !!!
 I will be posting on MONDAY and FRIDAY!

 Since the Holiday Season is almost over ( Only Easter left) for me, I am dropping back down to 2 posts a week...

I will admit that 3 posts a week has been grueling and very time consuming and even stressful for me....

I was also told that 3 posts a week is hard to keep up with for some of my readers and I can understand that as I find that happening with myself in reading Blogs....
 I truly understand as we all lead busy lives with so many things going on like work, family commitments and so much more that there seems to be no time left to just sit down and read Blogs....

So, I will be posting on MONDAYS and FRIDAYS unless I am participating in a special Blog event....

I will see how that works out for me....

As always, click on each picture if you would like to enlarge it....
 In my last post, I shared a project I recently did....

Click HERE if you missed that post!!
I have been going through albums of my Mother's pictures that were taken from the time she was a baby to when I got my first camera which was when I was about 10 years old... 

I will also be working on doing another Gallery wall on the opposite side of the stairs using some of my parent's certificates, papers and pictures.....

I shared that I found wedding pictures of my Dad's siblings....

I am happy to say that I was able to send out 4 of these pictures to my cousins whose parents are in these pictures....

I also want to share a few pictures I found of my Parent's Wedding Day....

These were taken in Saint Mary's of Czestochowa Church in my parent's home town....

I received all my sacraments including Baptism and Marriage in that church and both my sons were also baptized there....

Several years ago, after the much needed consolidation of churches and parishes here in NEPA, the Church was torn down.....

My parents were married in June of 1942

There Best Man, my Uncle Midge and Maid of Honor, my Mother's next door neighbor....

Love those chandy's but I do not remember them as the church was remodeled and smaller more energy efficient ones were installed and those are the ones I remember...

Also, it was not decorated as elaborately for my wedding as it was for theirs....

All of my family who got married at Saint Mary's have pictures taken on these steps.....

Just like my parents did...

And just like I did....

These are some of the pictures taken later that day at my mother's parent's home....

This is my parent's and my Paternal Grandfather who immigrated here from Poland.....

He died before I was born and my Dad's Mother died long before.....
Notice the cigar in my Dad's hand!!
This is a picture of my parent's with my Mother's parents later that day after my Mother changed out of her Wedding dress.....

 This is a picture taken in 1945 with my grandparents.....
I laughed when I saw that my grandfather has a cigar in his hand....

Like Father, like Son, I guess as I have countless photos of my Dad with a cigar in his hand including in my Wedding pictures!!! 

This is a picture of my grandparents, Adam and Agnes, with their 8 children.....

I believe my Dad is on the far right next to his Dad....
This picture of all of the Kolojejchick Siblings, except for my Aunt Della, was taken in 1952

My Dad is in the second row on the far left...
I found this picture of my Mother going to a prom.....

It was customary ( 1930's) then to go with a relative, unchaperoned, so she went with a first cousin....
And this is a picture of our first house with my Mother and sister on the porch .....

My Dad built this home after returning from WWII and I lived there until I was 4 years old.....

I would die for a porch like that now!!!!

My Mother was the only child of a fairly well to do family....

She was second generation American with her maternal Grandparents coming over from Poland....

Both her Father and her paternal Grandfather worked in Construction and built many of the homes in their home town and later in the town that my parent's eventually moved to....

My Mother always talked about how much my grandfather loved his cars....

Remember that this was in the 1930's.....

I remember my Mother mentioning that he owned a Model T......


My Grandmother insisted that my Grandfather teach her how to drive which was unheard of in that time but she would not take NO for an answer!!
One of the main roads in the area, Wyoming Avenue, was nothing but red ash back then.....

My Mother remembered driving along that road with her mother driving and little children running behind them yelling "Lady Driver, Lady Driver"!!!

My Grandmother and my Mother.....

Of course my Mother would learn to drive a car at 16 years old....
My Mother and Grandfather.....

My Mother always said that she learned to drive on a Studebaker!!

She looks lost in that car!!!

I estimate this was 1935 when she was 16 years old and weighed a little over 90 pounds as she was 99 pounds when she got married!!
NO, I took more after her Mother than her!!

The large home in the background was my Grandparent's home that my parents would eventually build their first home next to....

I also found pictures of my Christening!!!!

 My Godparents were my Dad's oldest brother ,John, and my Dad's first cousin, Sophie, who went by Zosh ( Polish)
 Father Ed performed my Christening as a personal favor to my Dad.....

He had been assistant Pastor at our church but had been transferred to be Pastor at another parish....

Shortly after, he would be transferred back to Saint Mary's where he remained Pastor til his retirement.....

I also received First Holy Communion, Confirmation and was married by Father Ed.....

He would also baptize both of my sons!!!

I hope you enjoyed seeing these pictures of another time.....

I hope to put many of the snapshot photos into acid free cases, removing them from old paper albums.....

I will be starting to take down Winter in the Den and change the china cupboard and the area around it over to Saint Patrick's Day this week.... 

And then I will start to take down Valentine's in the rest of the downstairs and change it over to Easter....

On Saturday, my dear Anne Marie came to visit!!

It is always so good to see her and we had a wonderful afternoon catching up....

She was kind enough to gift me a few Easter Goodies....

Love these bunny Picks!!

She gifted me 2 of them!
Aren't these gold bunnies just darling????? 

And a Bunny and Carrots Banner!!

I LOVE these Easter dinner plates......

They look great with these Easter egg shaped plates that I bought several years ago at Tuesday Mornings.....

Don't they????

I want to THANK my friend Anne Marie for all these lovely gifts!!!

But most of all, I enjoyed spending time with my dear friend!!

Remember that I will now be posting only TWICE a week.....

So I hope you will stop by to visit again on FRIDAY!! 
 Stay safe, healthy and most of all, HAPPY!!

Thanks to those who took the time out of their busy day to spend a little bit of time with me!!

If you do not have a blog, PLEASE  give me some way to reply to your comment, maybe by including your email in your comment.  If I can not find a way to reach you, I will reply on the post where you commented so please check back......

I am linking up to these parties:

Please take some time to visit these terrific hosts and all those joining in on the fun!

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