Just catching up on the last two weeks. (And a 19th birthday!)

Two weeks have passed and I'm just now getting around to updating the blog.  When last I left you, we just had a lovely weekend with a visit from Cathy and a full table at Sunday lunch. Let's see if I can remember what happened after that...

The week of May 22nd was spent watching a lot of sports of TV. (Peter was still home.) We watched a lot of Carolina Hurricanes hockey and a lot of Boston Celtics basketball. Unfortunately, our time spent rooting for these teams wasn't fruitful as neither team made it to the final round of their respective playoffs. Oh well, better luck next year!

Sarah worked and Dan worked but we had lots of dinners together which I've missed with the kids being away in school. Saturday, May 27th we attended Mass. It was a rainy night so the pool closed early and Sarah was able to make it to Quanto Basto in time to join us for dinner. (The meat and cheese board was delicious!)

On Sunday, the 28th, we attended the celebration for the 125th year at Enterprise Moravian Church - the church I grew up in and the church that my mom and brother still attend.  There was a delicious potluck and it was so nice to see everyone.

Monday, the 29th was Labor Day and it was raining and cool (we've had a really weird spring - very cool and very rainy) so the pool didn't open which meant Sarah was able to spend the day with us.We headed to Greensboro with my brother and had lunch at Mac's Speed Shop and went to Edward McKay's, a very large used book store.  Later that evening we grilled hotdogs and watched a movie. 

And then last Tuesday, Dan headed back to Ireland and Peter headed back to Raleigh.  We took a quick family selfie before they left.

Dan left early that morning which is why Sarah looks sleepy and Peter is shirtless - we got them both out of bed to say goodbye.  (And I appreciate them indulging me with the selfie.)

Peter was home for three weeks and Dan was home for two and I will tell you, I enjoyed every minute of the 2 weeks when everyone was home.  The cooking, the cleaning, the laundry, the grocery shopping, the bickering (yes, the two adult  siblings still occasionally bicker), the sports on TV, the movies, the dinners out, the laundry (yes, I listed that twice), all the vacuuming due to Peter's allergies - I considered it all JOY!  It was such a blessing having this time together as a family.  

Wednesday, May 31st was my mom's 80th birthday so I took her to lunch at Firebirds to celebrate! It was delicious but I failed to get a picture of her.  Later that afternoon I had my annual visit to the OB/GYN. I also did not get a picture of that! :)

The next day I went to the plastic surgeon to have a basil cell carcinoma removed from my forehead.  You can see the divot above my eye (in the picture above) that was leftover from the biopsy I had 2 months ago.  I'm hopeful that the place above my eye will be less noticeable now that the plastic surgeon has stitched everything up.  I go back later this week to have the stitches removed. Hopefully instead of a small divot, there will just be another line to add to the growing number of lines on my face. 

On Thursday evening, I had my monthly get together with my Cistas. We met at Lisa's house this month and her husband made us all pizzas in his new pizza oven.  Such a nice evening!


On Friday, I had lunch with Jennifer at her work and we got all caught up on all the things!  You can see I've been trying to keep myself busy while Dan's gone. I think I'm doing a pretty good job.

Sarah worked all day on Saturday but made it home in time to join me at Mass and then we went to Yamas for dinner.  Yamas is the local version of Cava and it is soooooooo good!  

And then yesterday was my sweet girl's NINETEENTH birthday!!!  I still can't even fathom that my baby is 19. She was originally scheduled to work on Sunday but there was a schedule change so we made the most of it!

Mom, my brother, Sarah, and her boyfriend Joe, and I went to lunch at 2520 Tavern and then came back to Mom's to unwrap presents and have cake. Mom made this beautiful and delicious pink cake!

Last night, Sarah and her friends went to dinner at Don Juan's in Kernersville and when she got home we watched the first two episodes of Shiny Happy People (the Duggar Documentary) and here we are back to Monday and now you are all caught up! 

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