Hidden Veg Mac & Cheese!
I’ve been meaning to write out this very simple recipe for so long, and tonight I figured I may as well do it now as it’s what I’m making for dinner!
I honestly hate scrolling through online recipes where the author writes their life story, so I’ll keep this short!
This recipe is a great alternative to a traditional cheese sauce; it’s so good you’d never guess it was made from veg! It’s great if you’re calorie conscious, if you’re cooking for a fussy child, or if you are trying to accommodate allergies whilst being able to indulge in favourites! I started using this as Parker has an intolerance to gluten, and had a cow’s milk protein allergy until he was 14 months old, therefore you can switch out the cheese for an alternative, as long as it melts well. You can also use gluten-free pasta as I do, and you can also use frozen or fresh cauliflower, I use frozen as I can keep it on hand. One last thing, I use this cheese/ white sauce in lasagne, cauliflower cheese, Mac + cheese… basically anything that requires this type of sauce and it works so well!
- Firstly, this is a quick one pot* wonder for me. I throw a handful of frozen cauliflower, and some pasta into a pot of boiling water, and cook until both are soft (I don’t measure, as what mum has time to with a threenager hanging from her leg asking every 4.5 seconds when dinner is ready?!). I don’t salt the water, as I’m feeding Parker, but feel free to. At this point, I also put some green veggies on to cook in another pot too.
- Once both the pasta and cauliflower are ready, scoop out the cauli and add to a blender with a handful of cheese. Gently pulse, whilst gradually adding a little of the pasta cooking water, a spoonful at a time, until the desired consistency is reached- we like ours thick! Taste as you go, adding more cheese if needed.
- Drain the rest of the water from your pasta, then mix the pasta and sauce together. At this point I serve Parker’s as is, with green veggies.
- For H and I, I then add salt to taste (⭐This is VERY important, as it changes your sauce from baby food to gorgeous cheesy sauce!⭐), and put into an oven-proof dish. Top with a light sprinkling of nutmeg, extra cheese, and whatever toppings take your fancy- breadcrumbs, tomato, hell, add lobster if you’re feelin boujee, and bake until the cheese is bubbly. Tonight H chose crispy smoked bacon for his !
- Serve with veggies, garlic bread, ketchup, whatever you like… I won’t judge!
- Enjoy, and let me know what you think, or if you try the sauce in other dishes, please let me know so I can try too! 🖤🌿
*I say one pot, don’t blame me for the washing up if you bake yours in a dish and use an extra pot for your sides! 😅