Five Frugal Things | scratch and dent eggs

1. I bought marked-down eggs

I was going to make waffles on Sunday night and then I remembered: Oh no! I have no eggs!

So I stopped at a nearby grocery store and was about to grab a dozen eggs for $3.29.

Buttttt then I saw that there were a bunch of damaged egg cartons that were marked down.

marked-down eggs.

I wanted to buy them all (!!), but I picked up three 18-count packages. Two were $1.84 and, inexplicably, the other was $2.24.

Regardless, I was pleased to buy them. I got 4.5 dozen eggs for $5.92, and that is a very happy thing given how egg prices have been lately.

Also, I love that this grocery store is helping the damaged goods to not go to waste.

I will always cheerfully support those kinds of efforts!

2. I got a free 10-piece fried chicken bag

I have a bunch of reward points from buying gas at Royal Farms, so I redeemed them for a free bag of fried chicken.

bag of fried chicken.

I have the Royal Farms debit card, which gives me reward points AND $0.10 off per gallon.

Mostly I use it for the discount on the gas, so I frequently forget that I even have reward points, and they just pile up in my app.

screenshot of royal farms rewards.

So on the occasions when I want to have fried chicken for dinner, I usually can get it for free.

3. I cobbled together a package

I sold a pair of boots on eBay, and the boot box was way too large for any of the envelopes I had.

So, I deconstructed two big padded envelopes from Amazon, taped them together, and that made a very sufficient box covering.

ebay packages.

If I had a brown paper bag, that also would have worked, but this was a slightly better solution because now the box is a little more protected.

brown paper package.

4. I used up avocados and tomatoes with my breakfast

When I make my breakfast, I generally survey my kitchen to see what needs to be used up and then I make a breakfast meal around that information.

Yesterday I saw that some tomatoes and an avocado needed to be used, so I combined those with some chopped onion and a little salt, and that made a lovely side for my fried eggs*.

*made with my discounted eggs, of course!

tomatoes and avocados.

Making breakfast this way (after surveying the kitchen) means I rarely eat the same thing twice in a row. It’s always an adventure to see how I can use up what I have!

breakfast potatoes and eggs.

5. I…

yogurt topped with fruit and seeds.

  • made a peanut butter and honey sandwich with the heels of a loaf of bread

sandwich made with heels.

Your turn! What frugal things have you been up to lately?

P.S. If you have questions about selling on eBay, this post will probably be helpful. It’s specifically about selling books, but the concepts here apply to a lot of things you could sell on eBay.

The post Five Frugal Things | scratch and dent eggs appeared first on The Frugal Girl.

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