Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is the same just about every year, filled with our traditional holiday activities.  We wake up to donuts and hot cocoa and the girls still decorate their gingerbread houses, fill their bags with reindeer food and lots of food prep for our Christmas eve dinner and the big day feast.  I will say that I thoroughly enjoyed this Christmas Eve as well as the entire week leading up to Christmas.  I never felt stressed or overwhelmed, I somehow had everything perfectly timed so I could enjoy the days without worrying about what was left to get done.  I also did my best to give myself little pep talks so I wouldn't get that sad after holiday feeling, 'that it's all over' and it definitely worked but going through all of these photos sure makes me want to go back and do it all again!  Our family Christmas eves with us all together are fleeting with two girls growing up way too fast so treasuring every moment is not lost on me. I'm glad I have way too many photos of our day here for us to always remember that one Christmas Eve.

This pink pig butt was something Brooklyn and I were hiding back and forth for each other to find in random spots all Winter break long.  I had come in from the yard from grabbing herbs and found it next to my kitchen set up.  So many laughs were had from this little pig being found in the most unexpected places.

Mom & Dad drinks

The girls drinks

Sending Elfie off with a few caramels for his trip back to the North Pole.

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