5 Week Meal Plan

I’m getting ready to go back into the hospital after a few months of online learning and am trying to set myself up for success. My usual eating patterns while on rotations (especially the ones without a dedicated noon conference) looks something like this:

5AM: Ugh it’s early, guess i’ll eat something (usually yogurt) to go with this coffee
8AM: Time for morning teaching, why yes I will eat that muffin.
9 AM – 6:30 PM: Round, Round, OR, Procedure, Write Notes, hmm I’m hungry. Drinks more coffee. Look Cake! (Why is there always cake?!) Look random zombie skittles. Look stale potato chips in the work room.
7:15 PM Convince Gio to order Doordash so neither of us have to cook or do dishes.

It’s not a great plan for the wallet or the body. So, I’m trying something new. My mom used to meal plan for the entire month, which seemed really intimidating at first. Once I sat down to do it only took an hour or two to finish. I planned only dinners and used a mix of recipes from the sources below leaving 2-3 nights per week left open for left-overs. I also colored coded it because it’s just prettier that way.


Let me know if you cook anything with me! I hope this gets me (and all of you) out of any dinner decision funk you may be in.

P.S. Have you watched the Documentary 13th yet on Netflix? Gio and I watched it this week and I cannot underscore it’s importance.



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