17 Things to Do at Home When You Can’t Travel

Sometimes, no matter how well-intentioned, our plans just fall apart. Either we can’t go anywhere, the weather gets in the way, things change, something happens, or plans get canceled. Knowing how to keep yourself entertained and productive at home can help pass the time, and hopefully reduce the frustration you’re feeling.

This list of things to do at home can apply to any vacation block, sudden weekend alteration, or weather-related issue that prevents you from keeping to your original plans. Hopefully, these give you some ideas of different ways to pass the time and still make the most of it.


Things to Do At Home When You’re Bored

Online Classes

1 – MasterClass

We’ve all heard of MasterClass, yes? It’s a monthly subscription that gives you access to the best people in different industries. For instance, curious about makeup? Get a lesson from Bobbi Brown. If you have friends/family interested in this, one or two of you can sign up and share classes with others. This way, everyone can take part, and you get to learn from the masters themselves!

2 – Join the Ivy Leagues

Check this out: Here are 450 Ivy League courses you can take online right now for free.

It’s legitimate. Scroll toward the bottom, and you’ll see tons of class options. There is an option to pay for the course which will get you a certificate of completion and you’ll take an exam etc., to prove your knowledge. However, the free version has you auditing the course, no exams, you just learn!

3 – Read

If you’ve already got a book you have started, then now is a great time to continue reading. If you need some inspiration, then to help you get started, check out this list: Here’s How to Read Everyday.

In addition, ask around at your local libraries or bookstores. Some, like the New York Public Library, for instance, have options for you to download ebooks for free with your library card.

4 – Broadway

Some Broadway shows are recorded and available on streaming services. This list of 15 Broadway Plays and Musicals You Can Watch On Stage From Home is a great way to pass the time and watch some amazing talent.

5 – Virtual Museum Visit

Several famous museums have virtual tour options available. You can visit, take a look around, inspect some cool and unusual artwork from the comfort of your home. For anyone who had to cancel travel plans, this might be the thing to do at home to help give you that cultural exposure you need!

Check it out: These 12 famous museums offer virtual tours you can take on your couch.


6 – Invest in the Stock Market

The stock market is doing a yo-yo. With everything up in the air, you’ve got two reactions: fear/terror and fist pumps for the opportunity. Now is a great time to study the stock market and learn about it. To get started, focus on the basics: stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and ETFs. If you have extra cash that you can use, start to dip your toes in the investment waters.

7 – Get Your Budget On Track

When was the last time you took a good hard look at your expenses? Many perople are used to spending a certain amount each month without even thinking about it. However, if you look to see where your money is going, you’ll likely find areas of waste. It’s not the most exciting thing to do at home, however, why spend if you don’t have to? Think about how much you could save, OR re-allot towards investments!

8 – Organize

When was the last time you cleaned and organized different parts of your home? When was the last time you pulled a Marie Kondo and cleaned the back of your closet or went through all the boxes in the garage? You’ve got all the time for random things to do at home, so let’s take advantage and downsize and get rid of all those unnecessary items you forgot you had.

Your Closet

Take a look at what you’ve got, see if it’s useful, and will help you look the part at work. While you’re at it, organize your closet in a way so that you can see everything you own. The way to do this is to organize by color. All black shirts, then gray, then blue, purples, etc. This way you can see exactly how much of what you own. Anything that looks old and rough, toss it. The rest you keep, and now it’s easy to see!

If you’re looking for a way to revamp your wardrobe and make it more cohesive, then create a capsule wardrobe for yourself.

Your Kitchen

Clean out that fridge and freezer. I did this for some family friends once and I swear there was freezer food from two years prior and food in the back of the fridge that was unrecognizable. Please dump out the old and keep your perishables fresh.

Do the same with your pantry and cabinets. One year, my brother and I went through our parents kitchen and found 5 different sets of plates/cups/saucers. Over the years they just kept buying new but never got rid of the old. We made three boxes of stuff for Goodwill just from the kitchen. Use this opportunity to give back to those in need, because you definitely don’t need 5 sets of plates.

Your Garage

If you live in a warmer climate, this is the perfect thing to do at home: sort through all the garage junk. Trust me, you don’t need half of what’s in there.

The Bathrooms

Alright, ladies, how many of you buy beauty products and dump them in that one drawer or basket in the bathroom and then don’t remember what you have? Time to empty the drawers and baskets and see what you’ve got. Old makeup needs to be thrown out ASAP.

Activities that Don’t Involve Screen Time

There’s only so much Netflix and chill you can do before you feel like your brain is turning to mush. So here are some fun things and fun activities for kids and adults that can help you stay busy, entertain you, allow you to spend time together, and hopefully pass the time in a fun way.

9 – Build Forts

Who hasn’t done this as a kid? You don’t have to be a kid to do it, either! Grab all those sheets blankets, empty boxes from the garage (because you cleaned them out), and chairs, and get to constructing your mega adult fort. Then do whatever you like inside of it.

10 – Play Board Games

Find those games, dust them off and start reliving your childhood. Set up family competitions; create a winning trophy for the winning team/player. Promise to do each other’s chores or make each other dinner. Make it so that it’s more than a board game. Give yourselves a goal to work toward and see how everything plays out!

On the same note: you can play card games or interactive games like charades, have a karaoke night or put on a talent show. In addition to passing the time, these will all help you bond and create new memories!

11- Puzzles

Honestly, you could do these while also watching movies or binge-watching a show.

12 – Exercise

There are all kinds of workout activities you can do at home: situps, push ups, or yoga. You can also venture out for a walk/jog if the weather permits.

You can also hit the gym, plus many gyms are offering their classes online. Check in with yours if you have one and see if this option exists for you.

13- Cooking Experiments

Do you want to learn new recipes or try different dishes and cuisines? This is a great thing to do at home as a family or couple or even alone. One of my favorite things to make growing up was puppy chow. All simple ingredients, quick to make, and serves as a great snack!

14 – Streaming Options

Of course, when all else fails, or if you’re having a lazy day, then Netflix and Chill or Amazon Prime and Dine do have a lot to offer.

Things to Do at Home By Yourself

To round it off, here are some suggestions if you’re hanging out solo, in addition to all of the above.

15 – Engage in Self Care

No time like the present to work on your peace of mind: meditate, take care of your skin, take a bubble bath, hydrate, and get sleep!

16 – Reconnect

You’ve got time to make those phone calls, reach out to family and friends that you maybe aren’t able to talk to on a regular basis. See how everyone is doing. Reconnect and reboot your relationships.

17 – Reassess Your Work

This last year has brought to light a lot of issues in the workforce. Many companies/jobs will not let you work from home; some don’t pay as well or at all. Maybe now is a good time to see what your options are.

In Summary

Life throws us curveballs all the time. Just because plans change, or you have to shift your commitments, doesn’t mean that the time you took off has to go to waste. Use it to catch up on life, relax, get plenty of sleep, hydrate, eat well, and have fun!



This post was previously published on THEFEMALEPROFESSIONAL.COM.



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The post 17 Things to Do at Home When You Can’t Travel appeared first on The Good Men Project.

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