...1.28...Dinner and a Movie...

...dinner was just a bunch of things...baked tofu with Cajun mustard...I'm obsessed with it...it's so good...and sauerkraut, and broccoli...Griddlered sweet potato...and applesauce and a biscuit...kind of like dessert...

...and the movie was Xanadu...an 80's musical starring Olivia Newton John...I knew the song...but I'd never seen the movie...I only chose it because a friend of mine was telling me that her daughter is going to be in her school production of the musical...and she said they were going to watch it last night too as her daughter had never seen it either...

...we only made it through about half the movie though...so we'll probably finish it tonight...definitely not the Man's cup of tea...and I found it a bit odd and hard to follow as well...maybe we're still jetlagged...we're definitely still pretty tired by 8 or 9 PM...

...it's about this guy who is an artist...and this album cover comes to life with all these women (9) of them...they sing and dance and roller skate a lot...there's a surpising amount of close ups of booties shaking...weird...but maybe that was a thing in the 80s...there's a dance scene with Olivia and Gene Kelly that's pretty cute...and he and the artist become partners in a nightclub called Xanadu...that's about all for now...we'll see how it ends...the artist and one of the women Kira are falling in love too...so there's that...it's a pretty weird movie and difficult to describe...

...have you ever seen Xanadu?...what have you been watching lately?...

~Have a lovely weekend!

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