DIY Almond Milk (Drink)

Ive mentioned before that Im seriously lactose-intolerantan in results in digestive calamities and then follows up with an eczema chaser a couple of days later. While this is grim and I deal with it, what you might not know is that my family owns a dairy farmoh the irony. So while, I love this recipe, I do feel a little guilty if this moves you away from dairy.

I had been wanting to try making almond milk for a while, mostly because Im trying to avoid drinking sugar where I can (this recipe has no sugar/sweeteners) and nefarious Natural Flavors. Those dont strike me as something I want to eat. Also, have you looked at the ingredients in most almond milks at the grocery store? Theres all sorts of stuff in there- woof. So Im going to share the base recipe I use. You can add stuff in from there. Share your favorite add-ins into this Google Doc (or in the comments below).

You could also make your own coffee creamer with this method. Just dial back the water quantity- Id go with 1.5 to 2 cups of water (based on your preference). Keep in mind that youll need a very powerful blender to make this recipe. I have a Vitamix but there are many other blender types that will work for this! If you wanted to make this sweetened or vanilla-flavored, after its blended would be the perfect time to add sweeteners, flavors, edible glitter (?) to the drink.

This recipe does result in some very fine solids toward the end of your cup. I choose to leave those in there (because almonds!). If the mouth feel isnt to your liking, when youre pouring the almond milk from the blender pitcher to the storage container, you would strain it- I would use a clean (smooth) kitchen towel, some smooth fabric from your huge stash, or one of these nut milk bags. As I mentioned, I just leave it in there but I could see how some people might not like it. If you DID choose to remove it, you could freeze it and use it for baking or sliding into other recipes. Just remember to warn your friends that are allergic to tree nuts.

I cant wait to hear about what yall like to add in to your almond milk.