Shown here is the Dewalt medium-sized ToughCase storage container, a quite versatile organizer for power tool accessories.
I bought one quite a few years ago, and use it to hold an assortment of bits, blades, and accessories. Mine holds a small (1/2″ max) step bit, a deburring/countersinking bit, a bit holder, a couple of screwdriver bits, and different sizes and styles of jig saw blades.
There are other organizers out there, and other ways to haul your power tool accessories around.
To be fair, the Dewalt ToughCase is not the most ergonomic or user friendly. The slides sometimes need finagling. Mine could use more dividers.
I rarely use mine anymore, but that’s partly because most of my more recent power tool accessory purchases came with their own pouches or bit boxes, and mostly because I have a greater variety and quantity of accessories than it can hold. It’s still handy for carrying around a varied selection of bits, blades, and accessories when I need a bunch of random bits and blades in one place.
If I remember correctly, I used my first one for a couple of years before outgrowing it. I bought a second in 2012 from Amazon when I needed a filler to push an order over $100 to get a $25 discount.
Dewalt’s ToughCase is sturdy, it offers some compartment customizations thanks to the removable dividers, and it’s somewhat inexpensive.
I can’t say the design is perfect, or that the Dewalt ToughCase will be the perfect power tool accessory storage box for your needs. But, maybe you’ll find it useful. I don’t regret buying mine, even though they’re no longer suitable solutions for my particular day to day storage needs.
I liked my ToughCase a lot more for jig saw blades and specialty drills and bits than for things like nut drivers, screwdriver bits, power bits, or drill bits, at least for me.
Let me put it this way – I won’t scream out “you should DEFINITELY buy this,” but I also wouldn’t post about it if I couldn’t give a *thumbsup* or if I had any regrets. The tough part is that it’s a great solution for some storage needs, but not for others, making for awkward discussion.
To sum things up, I liked mine but don’t use it much anymore, but maybe it’ll be more perfectly suited for your current needs.
Price: $6
Buy Now via Amazon
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